9. La base de la narració és la mirada de qui narra. La mirada que sempre busca: alguna cosa, algú.. La mirada que respira i narra, que mostra més diu. La mirada que fa que les persones que escolten existeixin de veritat al costat de la persona llibre, que sabrà dosificar les seves paraules perquè coneix el valor del silenci.
9. The basis of the narration is the narrator’s look. The look that always searches: something, somebody ... The look that breathes and tells, that shows more than it says. The look that it makes that the persons who listen really exist beside the bookperson, who will know how to dose his words because he knows the value of the silence.
9. The basis of the narration is the narrator’s look. The look that always searches: something, somebody ... The look that breathes and tells, that shows more than it says. The look that it makes that the persons who listen really exist beside the bookperson, who will know how to dose his words because he knows the value of the silence.
1 comentari:
És increïble que la natura demani a crits ajuda, però més increïble és que ningú l'escolti !!bones festes!!
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